Lozier Logic

Family Treasure Moves to New Home

/ Todd Lozier

This recently completed home in Bellevue is one of our favorite traditional homes ever. Also the best clients ever. We say that a lot, but it’s true every time. We are very lucky to work for some gre

Choosing Tiles

/ Todd Lozier

Today we were reviewing and approving some of the “bling bling” that will be going up on the walls in this soon-to-be very fashionable house. Can’t wait to see it complete. Each one of th

Waterproofing in Medina

/ Todd Lozier

We just waterproofed this foundation in Medina, WA before backfill. We use a PolyWall Pro 1000 sprayed product to keep unwanted moisture from breaching the foundation, and providing protection against mold

October Work

/ Todd Lozier

Check out our October 2013 work in-progress. Lot’s going on today, but we’re ready to start planning for Spring ’14 work. And let’s not forget those pre-holiday jobs. We can find th

Roanoke Bathroom Remodel | Lochwood-Lozier Custom Homes, Remodeling & Landscaping LLC | Redmond, WA

1890’s Roanoke Bathroom Remodel

/ Todd Lozier

Now I want to give accolades to some of our other great people and projects

Mantel Mock-Up | Lochwood-Lozier Custom Homes, Remodeling & Landscaping LLC | Redmond, WA

Mantel Mock-Up

/ Todd Lozier

We have a many talented team members. Of special mention is Mike Weihe, one of our Project Managers of 14 years. Here he has drawn on the wall with a Sharpie, how a mantel detail will look before building