Lozier Logic

Outdoor Before and After | Lochwood-Lozier Custom Homes, Remodeling & Landscaping LLC | Redmond, WA

Outdoor Before and After

/ Todd Lozier

It’s such a great pleasure to build fun useful spaces, whether inside or out. In fact outside living is some of the most enjoyable. This project was truly a testimony with what can be done with such

Home Builders Throw Open Gates to Social Networking

/ Admin

On the Friends of Quadrant Homes blog, you can find a link about the author

‘Rampathon’ project builds wheelchair ramp for Bellevue woman

/ Betsy Walker

“Roberta Bacha of Bellevue received a new wh

The Abbreviated Lozier History

/ Todd Lozier

The Lozier name and homebuilding can be traced back as far as 1776, when the Lozier family first built a home to sell in Midland, N.J. In the late 1800’s, Todd’s Great-Great Grandfather, Eugene Drummon

The Seattle Times: An Interview with Todd Lozier

/ Betsy Walker

“Redevelopment of older neighborhoods is healthy, bringing new famili